I guess I shouldn't say this is a tutorial, because I'm actually going to refer you to my baby blanket tutorial which I just adapted a tiny bit to make a bigger version.
Here's what you need to make one:
- 1 1/2 yards quilting cotton
- 1 1/2 yards flannel
- 2 packages double fold bias tape
- thread
- Baby Blanket Tutorial
- a handsome fella to make it for
Really the only thing I changed from the original design was buying 1 1/2 yards of fabric vs. 1 1/4 yards, so not very different at all. It's a perfect snuggle blanket for a 2-3 year old, and small enough that 2 packs of bias tape are enough to go around. You could make it even bigger by going with 2 yards of fabric or even more but you may need more bias tape.
I took Big Brother down the flannel aisle to pick whatever his heart desired for his special blanket. Turns out the boy has excellent taste and decided to go monsters all around!
These work up pretty fast so it was done in no time. Oh, and Husband was home to watch the Brothers. That's really why I got it done so fast.
Big Brother had a very anti-climatic first response of "Oh. Baby Brother likes it." *mamafacepalm* But he warmed up to it pretty quickly. He tested out all the different options. Head blanket:
Foot blanket:
Face blanket:
Jumping with the blanket:
Blanket Burrito?:
And basically decided it's not so bad and should probably go everywhere with us in case it's windy.
Oh, and this is the time Big Brother shared his cheese:
Here go. Him likes it!
Mom. This stuff is so. good.
Note the tiny pieces on the ground. He's getting them ready for Baby Brother.
Baby Brother ready to pounce on said pieces.
Brother swoops in just in time.
Oh yeah, I could get used to this.
Anybody else made one of these super easy blankets? Had a cheese snack today? Make your kids into blanket burritos?

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