
Friday, November 20

Names of Jesus Advent Calendar - FREE Printable!

Guys, now's the perfect time to start planning Advent for your kids! December will be here before we know it! Our goal this year is to keep things super simple and low-key, but still spark meaningful conversations with our kids. So we're going with a Names of Jesus advent calendar. All we'll have to do is flip a card around each day to reveal a new name and a corresponding scripture verse to read. We can spend a few minutes discussing it with the kids, and then call it a night.

I made a free printable version you can download to make your own advent calendar that takes no prep work, almost no time commitment, and no special supplies. This Advent calendar is so easy you can literally print it out December 1st and get started right away, plus it will only take a few minutes a day to complete.

Print your own:

All you really need for this advent calendar is paper or cardstock to print on, but I used a few other simple supplies, too:

Print the advent calendar double-sided (I like cardstock for sturdier cards!) then cut them out along the dotted lines. Your calendar is ready-to-go as is, or you can find a cute way to display it. I strung a piece of twine across our mantle and used mini clothespins to attach the cards. 


Starting December 1st, just turn a new card around each day. Read the name and the corresponding scripture, then talk about it with your family!

More ideas for displaying your cards:

  • punch a hole in the top of the cards and tie a loop of string to hang them on a tree
  • put each card into a DIY muslin advent bag along with a small treat or ornament
  • hang the cards from a branch (I love this one!)
  • hide a card each day and let the kids find it scavenger-hunt style

More Advent ideas I love:

  • Jesse Tree - I love the idea of connecting stories from creation all the way through the birth of Jesus! I'm planning to add this tradition at some point with a set of heirloom-quality wooden ornaments we can reuse year after year.
  • Slow and Sacred Advent - we've used the Easter study by the same author (it's called Rich and Rooted Passover) and I'd love to give the advent version a try! It has all kinds of readings, crafts, and recipes for bringing your family together and embracing all the goodness of the season.
  • She Reads Truth Advent Cards - these cards are a cute, easy way to connect with your family and spark great conversations. Just set them in a small basket on the table and do one card each night at dinner! 

DIY Muslin Advent Bags

Here is the tutorial for the DIY muslin advent bags if you want to use them for this or any other advent plan. We've been reusing these bags for years - they work great with all kinds of advent plans! You can tuck in cards, treats, activities, ornaments, etc. You can hang them on a branch or just pile them in a basket under the tree.

 Do you celebrate Advent with your family? I'd love to hear how it looks at your house!



  1. This is one of the best Advent calendar ideas I have ever seen. LOVE it! Bless His Holy Names!

  2. I have started the tradition of hiding a card with a name of Jesus on it with the corresponding bible verse on the back in a star with a pocket in that I made. My child finds the star and we hang it up with the star. I start hiding it at the opposite end of the house to the display and each day hide it a little closer to the display. Our collection of hanging cards with Jesus' name grows every day. my child is often reminding me to hide it... which is a bit of a lack on my end, but thrills me that it is a tradition my child is latching onto and enjoying. It is my alternative to elf on the shelf. I also have a collection (thrifted) of christmas children's books that i bring out of storage one a day for dec. I don't bother doing the wrapping thing, but use it more as a repetitive experience/tradition. This year as a family we are going through focus on the family's advent devotions ( I have also created a name of Jesus design available at

  3. How do I download? Link isn't working.

  4. Am I the only one who had issues printing this download? The download image was larger than printed area and I had to shrink it down in order for it to fit on an 8.5"x11" piece of paper.

  5. Help. My 89 year old Mum thought this would be great for her home but I can't get the link to work! Has it expired ? The Lord bless you x x x

    1. I'm so sorry about that (and sorry I missed your comment in time for Christmas)! Give this link a try:

  6. These look so nice!! Look forward to using it this year and for many years to come! Thank you!
