Wednesday, November 2

November Fun Around the Web

Just wanted to give you a heads up about a couple fun things going on right now on two of my favorite blogs. First, The Nester is celebrating Giveaway Day 2011! She is hosting 17 giveaways for everything from jewelry to home decor! Some of them end tomorrow, so hurry on over and try to win some goodies!

Second, Sew Mama Sew is celebrating Handmade Holidays for the entire month of November! Everyday there will be several new giveaways, as well as tutorials for handmade holiday decorations and gifts. It's only day two, and it's already giving me some great ideas! So come join the fun everyday!

I don't actually have anything of my own to say today, just wanted to spread a little giveaway cheer! I'm enjoying a short bloggy-writing break to catch up on some bloggy-reading like this instead. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Georgia! These are great links, thanks for sharing, I'll have to check them out. Oh, and thanks for your comment on my 31 days, that would be awesome if you shared a link to them. I have been enjoying yours too!

