Wednesday, May 1

May the 4th be with you...

Star Wars day is Saturday! Let's celebrate with a fun little sewing project. If you're like me and not a big Star Wars buff (to be fair, I have actually watched all the movies... once) it's still a fun way to put a smile on a slightly nerdy husband's face. :) But when he came up to me and said "Star Wars day is coming up, you should make a Boba Fett!" I was all "Make a what-now?" Thanks to a little Google image searching, I got all my ducks in a row and ended up with this guy:

It's a little Boba Fett plushie pillow! It's made of felt (you can spring for the fancy wool stuff for a nicer pillow, but if you're like me a few $0.25 sheets from Hobby Lobby do the trick) and it's actually really fast and easy to make. I did the whole thing in under two hours with a potty training 2 year old on my lap the whole time. I'm not sure how that translates to no-one-on-my-lap time because I haven't done that in a very, very long time. :) Here's what you need to get started:
  • 2 sheets green felt (8.5" x 11")
  • 1 sheet red felt
  • 1 sheet black felt
  • 1 sheet yellow felt
  • coordinating threads
  • stuffing
  • Boba Fett pattern (print it here)

Step 1 = rally your helper. Which shouldn't be a problem since he can't resist an empty lap. And if that's not enough, scissors really seal the deal. He wouldn't leave for ice cream and ponies.

Now the real step 1 - print my Boba Fett Pattern and cut out the pattern pieces (the directions are included with the pattern, too). Trace the pattern pieces onto the felt. You can use a washable fabric marker, or if you've made it this far in life without owning one *ahem* you can get by with a sharpie. Just be sure to flip your pattern pieces over and trace the backside so no stray marks show up on your finished pillow.

Cut out the felt pieces.

Thank your helper. This must be his concentration face. Or possibly his "cheese!" face. They're pretty similar.

Once the pieces are cut out you can lay them out to make sure they look good and fancy. Nice.

Now we're ready to put it together. Start by laying down one green piece face up. Line up the black piece, face up, on top of it like this.

Get your pinner to pin it in place. Thank the pinner.

I think I've mentioned this before - I don't hand sew. I have neither the time nor (more importantly) the patience at this point in my life. So the whole project can be done with a machine, although you are welcome to to hand sew if you prefer. :) Sew the black piece in place by stitching all around the outside edge (with black thread!), staying close to the edge. I'd say 1/8" tops.

Then line up your yellow pieces like this. Get out some yellow thread, and sew around the edges of each piece just like you did with the black.

Last but not least is the red piece. Line it up like this, then sew it in place with matching red thread.

The mask if finished! Lay this piece on top of the other green piece, with wrong sides together. Sew around the outside edge of the mask (with green thread - I was too lazy pregnant to switch my bobbin with each color change so I just used my green bobbin the entire time). Use a narrow hem again, about 1/8" or a little less, and remember to leave an opening to stuff the pillow. I left the opening along the bottom right side of the mask in the pic below.

Now stuff it! I used polyfil because I already had some, but I've also used fabric scraps to stuff projects like this in the past (which makes a stiffer pillow). Once it's stuffed, pin the opening closed and then stitch along the edge to finish it off.

All done!

I tried to get a pic of it with B for scale, but this is the best we came up with. Whoops. :)

If you're feeling a little less crafty but still want to get a Star Wars fix, you should check out these graphic movie post prints on etsy. My pic is terrible, but I bought them for N last year for Father's Day. They are super cool and vintagey. He loves them because they're Star Wars, and I love them because they are pretty. Everybody wins! You haven't seen them before because they're going to be showcased in our basement... which will be finished someday. But seriously, check out the shop photos because mine don't do them justice.

Any one else celebrating Star Wars day? Do you have a favorite crafty project or recipe that's just perfect for May the 4th?

*This post is inspired by trademarks owned by Disney/LucasFilm and is not endorsed by Disney/LucasFilm.


  1. thanks so much for these Star Wars patterns - I have lots of Star Wars fans in my grandchildren
    perry94022 at hotmail dot com

