The Bad News? It costs almost $200. So let's just make our own! "Dollar Store Crafts" inspired me to give it a try when they made a similar piece using several small cork boards. (check it out here)
I've had a bulletin board sitting around for awhile and didn't know what to do with it until now. I'm totally bummed, though, because I took before pics this time so you could see the total transformation, but my SD card is messed up and I lost them. Along with all the other pictures I hadn't downloaded yet. Bummer. So just know that is was painted white with red and blue flowers, okay? Got the mental picture? Good. We can continue.
For me, it was important that my board had a wooden frame so I could beef it up a little by adding 1x2's around the edges to create the depth the inspiration piece has. I started by sanding all the paint off the frame, then added my 1x2's. If I did it over again, I would stain the pieces BEFORE I attached them to the frame. But oh well, we learn as we go! I cut out stencils resembling the prints on the inspiration piece, and used black spray paint to paint them on (click here to find the stencils I used, courtesy of Dollar Store Crafts). I used dowel rods as the bars across (they seem a little flimsy, so if I did it again i would probably look for something metal) and used a large drill bit to drill through the frame and slid in the rods. The last thing I did was make a fabric pocket to hang on the board. I think it turned out pretty good, even though I made a few mistakes! :)
And this is it hung above my newly refinished desk, which you can read about here. We still have a lot to do in this room, but it has a nice start and I like where it's headed. :)
And here's one more quick project:
I got a scrabble game for 50 cents at a yard sale and turned the letter tiles into tacks for my board! I put a dot of E6000 glue on the back of each tile and attached a flat heat tack to each one. Easy and super fun to use!
And there you have it. Rustic Wall Organizer & Scrabble tacks to keep our office space neat and tidy. I can't wait to use it!
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