I'm not putting any fancy gift guides together this year (you can check out my minimalist gift guide for kids and my gift guide archive if you want some more specific ideas from years past), but I did want to put up a quick post with a few of the boys' tried-and-true favorite things. As you may know, we have a house full of boys. And these are the things that are loved and played with day after day. So, if you're shopping for boys, this might be a good place to start.
Friday, December 6
Tuesday, December 3
$3 Christmas Wreath Hack
Want to add a little Christmas cheer to every corner of your home without breaking the bank? Me too! And this is one of my favorite hacks to get the job done. Wreaths are so versatile because they don't need any floor space, you can hang them just about anywhere, and they are super easy to put up. These little guys have an extra bonus - they're only $3 each at Hobby Lobby!
Saturday, November 30
My Favorite Realistic Christmas Tree (and why it matters)
Monday, November 25
Dark Chocolate Syrup (for coffee or chocolate milk!)
If you love a mocha coffee but don't love the price tag at a coffee shop....
If you love the idea of coffee but are more of a chocolate milk girl....
If you are just tired of junk ingredients and want an easy homemade chocolate syrup....
This one is for you!
Friday, August 16
Homeschool Convention Haul 2024
We're about to kick-off another year of homeschool, and I just unpacked my homeschool convention haul that has been sitting by the desk since April. Let's see if we made some good choices way back then.
You can check out the video here:
Thursday, January 25
DIY Renovation - What To Do Yourself vs. What To Hire Out
I've had a few questions about what we do ourselves vs. what we hire out, so I thought it might be helpful to go into that more in-depth today and talk about not just what we personally hire out, but also how we make those decisions (and I'll walk you through how to make those decisions for yourself as well). It's always a good to have an idea of what you really can (and want to) do yourself before you begin any kind of remodeling project! I addressed this briefly in my post about installing the recessed lighting in our kitchen if you want to check that out as well.
When it comes to home renovation, you're not only deciding how much you want to pay, but also what you want to pay. Because doing things yourself involves a different kind of cost than paying a contractor. While DIY does save money, it costs time instead. Nathan once spent a whole Saturday installing flooring in our dining room with help from a friend and they only got about 75% done. So while we saved a lot of money over having it professionally installed, it cost him a couple days of time instead. See what I mean?
So for every part of your renovation, you need to evaluate your unique needs and decide exactly what you're willing to pay. Find the balance that works for you, your home, and your family. Today I have several tips to help you think through these decisions and I put together a free printable workbook to help you as you work through that thought process! You can get it here:
Friday, January 12
Installing Can Lights in our DIY Kitchen Reno
Lighting is so important to a functional kitchen. I'll admit I'm no lighting expert, but I did plan all the lighting for our DIY kitchen remodel myself and I know that you can do it, too! So today I'll share the lighting choices we made for our kitchen (and why we made them) which should at least be a good starting point for you to jump into your own kitchen lighting project!
Tuesday, January 9
First Steps in our DIY Kitchen Renovation
Guys, we're well over a year into our DIY kitchen renovation. Which sounds crazy. But we're DIYing the entire thing (on top of jobs/kids/homeschooling) so it takes as long as it takes. I've been planning to share as many details as I can, but it turns out finding time to both do the DIY and write about the DIY has been difficult has not been something I really wanted to try to do. So. I didn't.
But I think it's time. So today I'm going to kick if off by going back to the beginning to share the first steps we took toward get our dining room ready to convert into a kitchen just in case it would help anyone else planning a similar renovation. Obviously the very first step was a lot of planning, which you can read about here. Then the first actual ax-to-the-grindstone step was getting the bones of the room ready and creating a blank slate.
Friday, January 5
7 Steps to Simplify Your Christmas Decor & Cut the Clutter
Monday, January 1
2024 Goals Worksheet (free printable!)
Happy New Year, friends! I wanted to start off the year with another goal setting printable. Because there's nothing better than getting all your ideas down on paper. (And who doesn't have a head full of ideas as we roll into a new year?)
Now, this is not a resolution list. And trust me, there is a difference. While resolutions imply something you're absolutely committing to doing or changing, this goals list is more of brain dump for your hopes and dreams for the year. It's much more fun (and for me, more productive) kind of list! Anything you'd like to work towards or make progress on this year can go on the list - home projects you'd like to tackle, places you'd like to visit, habits you'd like to practice, etc. All the things you'd love to see in, you know, a perfect world. But we don't live in a perfect world, do we? And we have no idea what this next year will hold. Which is also the beautiful thing about a goal sheet like this. It's totally flexible and totally fluid. No pressure when things change or plans fail. We can go into it knowing things don't always work out, and we most likely won't cross everything off before next year. It's ok. The best plans in the world are really just guesses, aren't they? We can still dream and plan, and leave it all in God's hands.