Sunday, December 8

A Merry Christmas Giveaway!

It's finally giveaway time! I promised to giveaway the extras from my 31 Days of Handmade Gifts series, and today's the day! Let me help you check a few things off your Christmas list with a box of handmade goodies! Too many exclamations points? Sorry. I'm just excited! So let's go!

My little helpers and I divided the spoils into two boxes so we will have two winners in this giveaway! Here are said helpers... one coming after my camera saying "me take-a-one!" and the other burrowing into the blankets in the background. Thanks, boys! So, want to see what's up for grabs?

It's not too late to make your own gifts, too! You can click each item name to link to its tutorial, and you can check out the whole series here.

In the first box:

  1.  two stamped washer necklaces
  2. hair set (one headband and three beaded bobbypins)
  3. child-size messenger bag
  4. scarf skirt (size M-Lish)
  5.  two write-your-own-storybooks
  6. burp cloth
  7. infant bib
  8. clutch
  9. sleepover pillowcase

And in the second box:

  1. burpcloth
  2. large bib
  3. hair set (one headband and three beaded bobby pins)
  4. clutch
  5. button bookmarks
  6. two stamped washer necklaces
  7. three write-your-own-storybooks
  8. wet bag
  9. child-size apron
My helpful helpers.

Here's the low down on how to enter:
  • Leave a comment telling me your favorite Christmas tradition to do with your kids (or that you remember doing with your parents).
  • Then be sure to click the button in Rafflecopter to enter! (one entry per person)
  • Facebook followers get a bonus entry - thanks guys!
  • The giveaway will close Wednesday, December 11th at 11:59pm. Two winners will be chosen randomly and sent a random prize box full of gifty goodness. Winners will be contacted via email and will have 24 hours to respond before a new winner is selected. I usually like to give more time than that but I want these boxes to make it by Christmas! :)
  • Open to the contiguous United States only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Merry Christmas, friends!


  1. I have a few I love: decorating the tree, making sugar cookies, and the boys opening gifts from each other on Christmas Eve.

  2. A favorite tradition of mine is Christmas Eve. We spend the day preparing food for our Christmas hors d'oeuvres dinner. Then in the evening we get take-out pizza, my parents exchange their gifts to one another, and we watch the Walton's The Homecoming. Fun times!
    (Oh and I love exclamation points, too!)

  3. Listening to Christmas music in the car and our Traveling Christmas Party. And getting up early. And putting up decorations early.

  4. Decorating our xmas tree as a family if my favorite tradition.

  5. One of my favorite traditions is going to my in-laws on Christmas morning for a big breakfast and then presents, it's a wonderful time with family!

  6. My favorite tradition is making gingerbread houses with the kids and all the cousins. :)
    Velynna :)

  7. My favorite Christmas tradition with my parents was putting up the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving -- and getting to open one Christmas gift of choice on Christmas Eve! (It's a tie. :))

  8. I love that on Christmas morning after gifts we visit our extended family that is 2 hours away!

  9. We always watch Christmas movies at night with our kids all month long, drive to look at lights, and help those who need Christmas help. There are two pregnant ladies in my church right now who would be thrilled to receive these beautiful gifts. I would love to win it for them!

    ninigossett at gmail dot com

