Wednesday, January 1

2025 Goals Worksheet (free printable!)

Happy New Year, friends! I wanted to start off the year with another goal setting printable. Because there's nothing better than getting all your ideas down on paper. And who doesn't have a head full of ideas as we roll into a new year? But before we start making lists, let's talk about this whole goal-setting thing for just a minute. 

I 100% prefer a goal list over a resolution list. And trust me, there is a difference. While resolutions imply something you're absolutely committing to doing or changing, this goals list is more of brain dump for your hopes and dreams for the year. It's much more fun (and for me, more productive) kind of list! Anything you'd like to work towards or make progress on this year can go on the list - home projects you'd like to tackle, places you'd like to visit, habits you'd like to practice, etc. All the things you'd love to see in, you know, a perfect world. But we don't live in a perfect world, do we? And we have no idea what this next year will hold. Which is also the beautiful thing about a goal sheet like this. It's totally flexible and totally fluid. No pressure when things change or plans fail. We can go into it knowing things don't always work out, and we most likely won't cross everything off before next year. It's ok. The best plans in the world are really just guesses, aren't they? We can still dream and plan, and leave it all in God's hands. 

So let's talk details for just a minute and then you can get on your merry list-making way! I've left this printable totally blank so you can customize it fit your needs perfectly. There are six different sections you can label for yourself to fit your own personal goals (i.e. home projects, garden projects, homeschool goals, books to read, etc.). You can even print separate pages if you need more room for certain goals (i.e. print a sheet just for homeschool goals and work through it with your kids to brainstorm field trips, projects, or unit studies they would love to tackle this year). Make it work for your family, and have fun!

Download the printable PDF here.

Once you see all your ideas together, it's so much easier to start prioritizing and making tangible plans. But don't forget this:

I added a snippet of this verse to the bottom of the goals sheet as a reminder. And if you're goal planning with the kids, it's a great time to go over it with them, too!

My Goals for 2025:

Life is constantly changing as kids grow (and we add more kids to the line-up) and I've let a few things run a little too far off the rails, which has resulted in parts of our day feeling like chaos. So. I have two main goals this year to try and get things running a little smoother. I just finished a book called "The Unhurried Homeschool" (five stars. highly recommend.) that gave me a much clearer vision for our homeschool and for our family as a whole:

  1. Simplify our homeschool. We don't have to do everything. We can't do everything. And when I try to do everything the whole family suffers for it. So I'm planning to cut down on the book work, make more time for reading and exploring, and just... unhurry. 
  2. Simplify our mealtimes. Fun Georgia fact: every meal sneaks up on me. And it throws our whole day off every time I scramble to make a lunch or a supper. So I just typed up a plan of easy meals I can make ahead and freeze at the beginning of each month to try making meal times (and therefore our whole days) a little smoother. In all the times I've tried to meal plan, I've never stuck to it. So I'm hoping that the element of meal prep will make it easier for me to follow through the rest of the month when the work is already done!
I'm hoping to share more about both of those later this year if I get them ironed out. And of course we have a nice little list of projects around the house and yard that we are hoping to chip away at. But those are the biggies. 

How about you? What are you dreaming up in 2025? 

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